Instantly, a new clip is inserted at the position of the playhead into the Primary Storyline: a four-second freeze frame. To create a still frame in the Timeline, put the playhead on the frame you want to freeze.Ĭhoose Edit > Add Freeze Frame, or type Option+F. We can create still frames in the Event Browser or the Timeline. Also, freeze frames can be moved anywhere in a project, while Hold frames are trapped inside the clip from which they were created. Hold frames have a built-in ease-in/ease-out speed transition that often distracts from the actual freeze itself. The benefit to still frames is that, unlike Hold frames, they just stop. (These are also called “freeze frames,” I use these two terms interchangeably.) In this Final Cut Pro training, we will look at how to create and export still frames, which changed with the 10.0.6 update to Final Cut Pro X.